Juan Guzman

Hey there! So, here's a bit more about me – I've been around the block wearing many hats, from Technical Support Agent for Dell and HP, to Engineering Manager. My geek journey kicked off at 15, coding MSN Messenger Clients with Visual Basic 6. Then, the whole World Wide Web thing caught my attention. As I rode the tech wave, PHP, Javascript, and all those cute languages came into play. But, let's keep it real – burnout hit hard at some point. I needed a breather, so I switched gears and became a Tech Support Engineer at Ooyala. I just wanted a chill vibe, you know? Spoiler alert: ended up coding again, this time just for the fun of it. Back in the programming groove, my manager dropped a truth bomb – "Dude, you're a solid programmer with killer problem-solving skills, but your real talent is dealing with people." That got me thinking, and now I'm on this cool journey as a programmer with a soft spot for people management. Life's funny that way!

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